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Jargon Busting

Jargon Busting

Abbreviation/Acronym/ Term

 Information Links to this topic
BMU Border Management Unit- They control entry in to Ireland and issue you with your entry stamp  Entry in to Ireland
BP British passport  Information by Passport
BQ Burgh Quay- Where Dublin people go for registration of their stamps/ residency  Register at Garda Immigration 
CSEP Critical skills Employment Permit  Information by Passport
DBEI Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation – now known as DETE  Information by Passport

Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment- They issue work permits and

business and investor visas

 Information by Passport
DoJ Department of Justice   See contact list
DYCA Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth   See Teaching in Ireland
ECCE Early Childhood Care and Education  Children in Ireland (& Education)
EU European Union  Information by Passport
EU/EEA European Union/ European Economic Area  Information by Passport
EUTR1 Forms for the EU Treaty for qualifying family member of an EEA  Information by Passport
EUTR1A Forms for the EU Treaty for permitted family member of an EEA  Information by Passport
FBR Foreign Birth Registration- Registering your Irish citizenship by ancestry  Irish Citizenship (Foreign Birth Registration FBR)
Garda Síochána “Guardian of the Peace.” The Irish police force. Also known as Gards, Guards or Garda  
GNIB Garda National Immigration Bureau- the card/ regisitration of the stamps now known as IRP  Information by Passport
GWP General Work Permit  Information by Passport
HSE Health Service Executive – the health service in Ireland  
INIS Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service- now known as ISD   Information by Passport

Public Employment Services is a single point of contact for all employment and

income supports. Where you get your PPS number if you’re outside of Dublin

 PPS number
IRP Irish Residence Permit  Information by Passport
ISD Immigration Service Delivery- used to be INIS  Information by Passport
MHQ Mandatory Hotel Quarantine  Covid and Quarantine MyGovID is a single account that lets you access government services in Ireland.  PPS number and PSRI, USC, Tax, Pensions and Customs and Revenue
NDLS National Driver Licence Service- where you get your SA driver’s licence exchanged  Driving in Ireland and everything related to it
NCT National Car Test  Driving in Ireland and everything related to it
PPS Personal Public Service Number- your social security number that you use for various things like tax etc  PPS number
PSC Personal Public Service Number- the card is the Public Services Card issued after you get your PPS number  PPS number
PSRI Pay Related Social Insurance- includes social insurance and a health contribution  PSRI, USC, Tax, Pensions and Customs and Revenue
Revenue Irish tax and Customs  PSRI, USC, Tax, Pensions and Customs and Revenue
RSA Road Safety Authority Ireland  Driving in Ireland and everything related to it
RSA Republic of South Africa  
SA South African  Information by Passport

The various persmissions that get “stamped” into your passport giving you

permission as a Non-EU person to do certain things within Ireland

 Information by Passport
TC  Teaching Council   See Teaching in Ireland
Tusla Child and Family Agency- child protection services  Children in Ireland (& Education)
USC Universal Social Charge- known as the health contribution  PSRI, USC, Tax, Pensions and Customs and Revenue